Thursday, July 23, 2015


At a time when
the rained  of  allegations and slander
constant  of the enemy, when
acts of sedition and......  had reached their
height, launching a special charge of pain
 pierced the heart of the Essence of tenderness
 ('Abdu'l-Bahá). The nature of the attack was me  The distress and grief it occasioned
were so intense that, for several days
'Abdu'l-Bahá visited barely even the reception hall of the
Biruni to meet the many pilgrims. The
ancient   believers residents were
aware of the details of this problem, but they did
disclosed to anyone because the incident was disturbing and
disruptive. (...)
One night the Master  was present in the room
reception  of The Biruni while some friends
languished depressed that He  breaks the silence -
 with the celestial melody of his words. Aqa-i-Riday
Qannad, one of the old believers and experienced
was among the first prisoners and migrants,
knew the source of the problem. No longer able to
contain his grief, he suddenly broke the wall of silent- . Removing the veil of contemplation and reserve
he exclaimed with force: "Beloved, we can not afford
to endure this long. Patience and
Tolerance is good. But until when? Why
the ocean of divine wrath has it not arise? Why
the avenging sword of God remain hidden in his
? Why is it the Master show many
patience? Why does happen such things? "

He continued on this theme until the fire
Interior    calm  vigorously and tears
begin to flow without restraint, shedding the intensity
 of emotions. The Master who had listened to this plaint
 calmly and  with attention
broke His silence with a comforting smile and re-
pond: "Yes, in the PATH of the Blessed Beauty we
must drink the cup full  with enthusiasm
of  difficulties and afflictions and  feel the exquisite
intoxicating effect.
One kind of tribulation has not
the same effects, nor does it give the same
intoxicating pleasure. Wines of different flavors are
be consumed in this divine banquet until
it is completely gray. "

He said it with such joy and enthusiasm
that every atom of our beings flew with a sensation
 of ecstasy and transport. Then He added: "But
you have never attended a drinking party. To be-
ne totally drunk and lose consciousness,
drinkers mix their drinks. For example,
a turn , they drink wine, following the turn -
boasts, they drink arak, then this is followed by a
tour of cognac, followed by tours of rum,
of whiskey, champagne and drank until they
to a state of torpor. We also need
taste the different flavors of cutting tribulation
tions. "Suddenly, a voice resonant, he asked,
"Jinab-i-Khan, is not it so? "The eyes were
All fixed on me. And without a moment's hesitation, I
replied: "Yes, Beloved, it is. By the way, they
drink something else. "" What then? "ask
 'Abdu'l-Bahá. "They mixed the wine (in Sharab
Persian) and whiskey (araq in Persian) and say they
drink "sharaq" (neologism and between Sharab
araq the Persian, for example, "vinky") Suddenly his Laughter broke out, his eyes full of tears, turned to the sky and with a smile, he exclaimed: "We also, as Khan says, we drink "sharaq" we drink "sharaq!" " In short, for a while that night, he shared with us the good news about the future of faith, descent and fall of the Faithful breakers of the Alliance. Since then, among these promises, many, if not all, have real- Sees. "And so this was a short story about the life of 'Abdu'l-Bahá at the time, an example of his sweet eloquence for a period of trials and tribulations.

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